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HSE Online Campus

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Tag "Reporting an event"

HSE University Becomes Winner of International Eventiada Awards

HSE University Becomes Winner of International Eventiada Awards
Gleb Gorshenin, student of the School of Communication of the HSE Faculty of Creative Industries, was named Student of the Year. The ‘Notes of a Communicat’ adaptation guide for first-year students of the School of Communication was recognised as the best youth advertising project. And the opening of the HSE Online campus received an award for the best project for a young target audience.

Gaming and Communication: HSE University at VK Fest in Gorky Park

Gaming and Communication: HSE University at VK Fest in Gorky Park
This weekend VK Fest took place in Gorky Park — an open-air spectacular featuring musicians, bloggers, and speakers, as well as entertainment and educational projects for a young audience. The 2023 Festival took place in five cities: Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Sochi and Moscow. This is the second time VK Fest has been held in Moscow, and both times HSE University has taken part in the event.

The 5th International Online Seminar on Computational Educational Sciences was held

The Centre for CES held the fifth international online seminar. The purpose of the workshop is to form a community of researchers and discuss together issues at the intersection of educational sciences and computational methods

Digitalization Helps Universities Expand Their Horizons and Improve the Quality of Education: Results of eSTARS-2018

Large online courses will become even more in-demand since the quality and accessibility of education is rising. They will not, however, replace traditional in-person interactions between student and teacher. By relying effectively on digital technologies, universities can ensure a new level of education quality, which, in turn, can meet the challenges of today’s economy. Discussions of online education, at its current stage of development, should be focused not so much on technological solutions, but rather on ecosystems, which encompass students, universities, corporations, states and tech firms, where related human experiences and meanings are of extreme importance. This was the conclusion of participants in the eSTARS 2018 international academic conference on the present and future of online education. HSE and the online learning platform Coursera teamed up to host the event in Moscow on December 5-6.

The meeting with colleagues from Norway took place at HSE University eLearning Office

The meeting with colleagues from Norway took place at HSE University eLearning Office
Tord Hovik, Senior Consultant of the eLearning Lab at OsloMet University (formerly University College of Oslo and Akershus, Norway), visited HSE Online office on September 21.

HSE Training Universities on Blended Learning Teaching Methods

HSE has launched a new experimental programme called ‘Development of Blended Learning Instruction,’ which is geared towards universities that use HSE’s online courses. In early July, instructors from these universities took part in a blended learning summer school.