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Tag "conferences & seminars"

Development Trends in Online Education Market Discussed at eSTARS 2021 Conference

Development Trends in Online Education Market Discussed at eSTARS 2021 Conference
The leaders of Russian and global EdTech companies met to discuss industry evolution, explain why demand for non-digital professions on platforms keeps growing, and speak about building online learning with a human touch. A panel discussion on ‘Trends in the Development of the Online Education Market’ was held as part of the eSTARS 2021 international conference organized by HSE University and Coursera.

The 2nd International Online Seminar on Computational Educational Sciences was held

The Centre for CES held the second international online seminar. The purpose of the workshop is to form a community of researchers and discuss together issues at the intersection of educational sciences and computational methods

The 1st International Online Seminar on Computational Educational Sciences was held

On April 9, the Centre for CES held the first international online seminar. The purpose of the workshop is to form a community of researchers and discuss together issues at the intersection of educational sciences and computational methods