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HSE Online Campus

Courses, specialisations, CPD, Bachelor's and Master's programmes online


Tag "online education"

Platform of Evolution: Education Systems in the Post-COVID World

Platform of Evolution: Education Systems in the Post-COVID World
The HSE eLearning Office will participate in the international Coursera Conference. The event, hosted by Coursera, HSE's strategic partner in the global distance learning market, will take place from April 19 to 21. Ekaterina Zinkovskaya of HSE’s eLearning Office talks about the conference and what positions HSE holds in the field of distance education.

The 5th International Online Seminar on Computational Educational Sciences was held

The Centre for CES held the fifth international online seminar. The purpose of the workshop is to form a community of researchers and discuss together issues at the intersection of educational sciences and computational methods

HSE Master’s Programmes Open House Day Features New Programmes Taught Entirely Online

HSE Master’s Programmes Open House Day Features New Programmes Taught Entirely Online
This year HSE University is admitting applicants to nine practice-oriented Master's programmes in sought-after specialities in IT, management, economics, and finance. On March 13 and 14, 2021 at HSE’s Open Day for Master’s programmes, academic supervisors and representatives of partner companies described the features of these programmes.

Build a career path with online programmes in HSE University!

Build a career path with online programmes in HSE University!
The HSE University is launching online master's programmes in highly sought fields of study in IT, management, economics and finance.

From Games to Models and Cases: New Tools for Online Learning

From Games to Models and Cases: New Tools for Online Learning
According to HSE Director for eLearning Evgenia Kulik, by introducing modern gaming software, virtual simulators, scenario tests, and VR components into online courses, ‘HSE is actively developing new forms of teacher-student interaction in online courses to increase student engagement, motivation, and the quality of education.’

Registration for HSE's Optional Courses of the Second Semester Open for Everyone

Registration for HSE's Optional Courses of the Second Semester Open for Everyone
On December 17, registration for open optional courses will start on the HSE online education platform. All courses will be online and open to everyone, regardless of age and level of education.

Challenges and Problems of Online Learning: Highlights From the Final Day of eSTARS 2020

Challenges and Problems of Online Learning: Highlights From the Final Day of eSTARS 2020
eSTARS 2020, the international education conference organized by HSE University in partnership with the global educational platform Coursera, reached its conclusion on December 2. This year, which marked the annual event’s 3rd meeting, the conference was held entirely online for the first time.

‘Distance Education for Universities Is an Opportunity to Break into the Future’

‘Distance Education for Universities Is an Opportunity to Break into the Future’
The 2020 eSTARS conference, organized by HSE University in partnership with the global educational platform Coursera, has commenced. For the first time in its history, the event is being held entirely online. At the plenary session and the first panel session, representatives of the world's leading universities, their associations, and educational platforms spoke about the role of digitalization in the development of higher education, the impact of the pandemic on education, and new approaches to how teachers and students can interact.

HSE University Announces Four Master’s Degrees on Coursera

HSE University Announces Four Master’s Degrees on Coursera
Degrees in business, technology, and data science will enable students around the world to prepare for the jobs of tomorrow. HSE University and Coursera today announced four new online degree programmes at global higher education conference, eSTARS. With upcoming English-language master’s programmes in business analytics, computer vision, data and network analytics, and finance, HSE now has five fully online degrees on the Coursera platform.

eSTARS 2020 Conference to Discuss Education in the Context of Global Digitalization

eSTARS 2020 Conference to Discuss Education in the Context of Global Digitalization
Jointly organized by HSE University and Coursera, the international eLearning Stakeholders and Researchers Summit (eSTARS 2020) will be held from December 1 – 2, 2020. It will be the third time the organizers bring together international stakeholders from governments, the academic community, busines, as well as researchers and experts to discuss the present and future of online education.